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28.6.23 | 19:00

Body of Blessing

By Shira Evyatar 

We sing a deep-rooted truth which is being whispered by the Earth and the Body. Practicing innocence, present with which is dearest to our hearts, sharing our being.

When does the air condense enabling other dimensions to appear?

Dancing here and now, dancing in parallel universes, in infinite time and space.  Remembering the blessings of the body which we received – The blessing of the human, the supernatural, the demons, goddesses and roses.

Undertaking the work which is required of us during these intense times, the work of listening and collaborating, giving-receiving, tenderness, communication and love.

We whispered to each other that which is dear to our hearts, wild truths of the womb and the dampened earth, of the grey hairs and wrinkles, of the canals of birth and death.

This is a blessing - the blessing of the living and vibrating.

A work by Shira Eviatar

Creating Dancers: Nairooz Qupty, Samrat Haylu, Shoshanah Devorah and Shira Eviatar

Creative musician: Liron Meyuhas

Artistic accompaniment: Anat Danieli and Anat Cederbaum

The work is supported by the Mifal HaPais


גוף הברכה / Body of Blessing / جسم البركة

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