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מחול שלם לוגו
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Birth Preparation Course is an intergalactic, interactive lesson on human reproduction taught

by a future species in deep space. Drawing on materials taught by midwives and doulas in birth

preparation courses around the world, the performance employs text, movement, music, props

and audience participation to convey information about how each and every human came into

being. The lesson places emphasis on the placenta, a mysterious, often hidden and essential

organ. The performance is held in English.

Concept, choreography and performance: Ori Lenkinski

Lighting Design: Netta Koren

Set Design: Avidan Ben Giat

Stage Management: Alina Zhutovsky

Music: Walter Wanderley, Meara O’Reilly, Roisin Murphy, Brian Eno, Techtronics, Sonnymoon,

Barbara Lewis

Premiere: Akko International Festival for Fringe Theater, September 2021

Duration: 50 minutes


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