In 1977, psychologist Arthur Aron, published the article "The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness." In his research, Aron assembled 36 questions designed for dialogue between two strangers, the questions gradually become more and more personal. According to the study, openness to another person and placing our selves in a position of vulnerability develops strong intimacy that will lead to immediate love. 4 dancers.... 36 questions.... A revealing of their personalities, lives and experiences in an intimate dance event. Would you like to be famous? When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else? What is your most terrible memory?
Choreography and Concept: Rachel Erdos Performing
Dancers: Matan David, Tomer Giat, Shay Haramaty, Ori Lenkinski Artistic Guidance: Erez Maayan, Anat Katz, Nitzan Cohen
Production: Tali Konigsberg
Costumes: Veronika Schorr
Dramaturgy: Nava Zuckerman
Lighting Design: Omer Sheizaf Music Editing: Yoav Atsmon
Little Marriage / Lia Ices
Superman March / John Williams
On the Sea / Beach House
Gnossienne No.1 / Satie
Pio Kali I Monaxia (Tragoudi Tou Hari)
You Are My Love / Liverpool Express
Photography: David Kaplan
The performance is supported by the Israel National Lottery Council for the Arts.