אי - שם | ארועים מחול שלם
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12.9 | 20:00


A Creation by the choreographer Elad Schechter

Somewhere, between the desire for a life of connection with our surroundings versus the

desire to set the limits of our body, there lies an action. It is documented in movement and


Similar to Italo Calvino’s masterful book ‘The Invisible Cities’, this is how we depict distant

islands becoming concrete material. Material recorded in space through sound, text, human

movement and color on the ground. Here the human body is shown devoid of tangible

concepts. As if it is requiring us to rebuild fallen walls around our own island.

Length: 50 minutes


Choreographer | Elad Schechter

Dancers | Korina Fraiman, Daniel Martins da Costa

Music | Eran Kvint

Costume design | Adi Yair

Artistic advisor | Yair Vardi

Light design | Amir Castro

Set Design | Shlomo Blazer

Premiered within the 'Between Heaven and Earth' festival - 2022


אי - שם

Pic by: Amanda Stevens

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