An international project on cross-border culture
Borders are the "face to face" between two persons, groups, cultures, countries, are the place where one looks at each other.
Borders are also a space to cross and bodies are the most sensible means of crossing action. The body, beyond words and language, through the movement, can be a bridge and build an action of connecting.
Dance adapts itself to the place, unites distant points, crosses borders, reaches “the other”. Dance gets close the “elsewhere”.
Direction and Choreography: Paola Vezzosi
Dancers: Lara Guidetti, Anna Savanelli, Nicol Soravito (Italy),
Ziv Bar David Varon, Romy Alon, Avia Gan-Or and Noa Bartur (Israel).
The show imagines a hypothetical countdown towards the end of the world and human civilization. Using an ironic and grotesque language, the work addresses the theme of the necessary dialogue between close or far away cultures facing a common danger.
Direction and choreography: Francesca Lettieri
Dancers: Lara Guidetti, Anna Savanelli, Nicol Soravito (Italy),
Ziv Bar David Varon, Romy Alon, Avia Gan-Or and Noa Bartur (Israel).
Co-production Machol Shalem, ADARTE Company, Arearea Company, Sanpapiè Company
A GO TOWARDS project supported by the Italian Ministry of Culture- Boarding Pass Plus (2023)